Title: Divine Sustenance 18x24 inches
Original Acrylic and Oil Painting - Handcrafted Frame
Artist Statement:
The pear.
She first appeared in my life by chance- after receiving a
bowl of beautiful faux pears from my artist grandma.
She had painted them many times in her life and had been touched enough by their grace, she decided to share their beauty with her artist granddaughter.
The pear also appears in religious art throughout the ages, often symbolizing divine sustenance. And her feminine form has begged us to use her as a symbol of femininity.
So, divine sustenance + femininity…well how could
I not answer that call?
Typical turn-around time is 7-14 business days. The most common turnaround time for orders to ship is 2-5 days.
Each Original is carefully packaged in heavy-duty shipping materials.