Title: Cut Wide Open - Original Acrylic Painting - 16x20 inches - handcrafted frame
This cut pear symbolizes the painful and beautiful journey that is a faith crisis, a faith deconstruction, a faith transition, whatever words best describe what you’re going through in this moment-because heaven knows that it is not always a negative experience nor always a positive.
I found that diving deep into my faith, cutting it wide open, was an uncomfortable yet deeply intimate experience with my God.
Looking inside allowed me to see the ugly and beautiful of belief.
As a Catholic Priest told me while I was admiring the art in a beautiful Cathedral, “As you get older, life gets more complicated. Naturally, your testimony should as well”
I can’t put my pear together in the same way it once was, and I see that as a welcome development of my beliefs growing with me in complexity.
Typical turn-around time is 7-14 business days. The most common turnaround time for orders to ship is 2-5 days.
Each Original is carefully packaged in heavy-duty shipping materials.