3/3 How : tips and advice if you're wanting to do a 6 month break

Posted by Carly White on

This is part 3/3 of my blog posts about my 6 month social media breaks. If you haven't read the first two parts, here they are! 

1/3 Why: Why do I do a 6 month break from social media every year

2/3 What: What happened when I went off social media for 6 months

This is the last post of my 3 part blog on this topic.

So, now that we’ve covered the why and what, let’s talk about the “how.” 

First, I don't freaking know. I can't give you all the answers. I've never done a workshop on this or anything. I don't know why your habits are the way they are. But I'm going on my 4th year of this, so here are things that have helped me. 

Let’s make this snappy with some quick tips.

  • Think of this as a grand experiment. Ask yourself tons of questions. "Why do I crave social media right now? Am I bored, anxious? Can I handle this without scrolling? How does it feel when my partner’s glued to their screen? Why does it bother me?" No judgment here, just curiosity. Say, “Hmm, interesting. Good to know.”

  • Make an announcement. Post that you’re taking a break. Let the world (or at least your digital world) know.

  • BIGGEST TIP EVER: Don’t just take away social media, replace it with something better. REPLACE IT REPLACE IT REPLACE IT. Seriously, this is crucial. Find apps or entertainment on your phone that don’t suck you into the scrolling void. Seek out stuff that’s fun AND enriching. Like the Duolingo app? It’s fun AND you learn a language! I'll add a list of stuff I like to do on my phone below. 

  • Brain dump 100 dreams or goals: Okay, it sounds intimidating, but it’s a game-changer. Grab pen and paper and jot down EVERYTHING you want to do someday. Think wild, think random, think impossible. These are not things you'd like to accomplish during your break. These are things to help you get a clearer image about what you want from life. This will help your spirit speak to you. 

Here’s an example of some of mine from last year.

Milk a cow

Own a victorian dress

Learn Spanish

Write a book

Shave my head

Give a car to someone

Cook through a recipe book

Live abroad for a few years with my kids

Be strong enough to hike Timp (and enjoy it)

Make sourdough bread

Get matching tats with the hubs

Go on a meditation retreat

I do this every year. It’s fun to look back old lists and think “wow, I don’t even have desire to do that at all anymore!” or “Hey! I did that!”

  • No sneaky business: LET ME CLARIFY. When you slip up and find yourself eyeing social media, don’t hide it. No need to feel sneaky. Just own up:“Yeah I’m on social media. oops. I’m going to recommit to my goal of being off”  Feeling sneaky gives us a rush of dopamine and you don’t want that rush to feed that habit. ITS SOCIAL MEDIA. You’re not doing cocaine. Literally not going to kill you if you get on. Use it as an opportunity to learn about yourself, like were you bored? sad? Take note. Is a 6 month break something you want to continue? Then get off and recommit to your goal. If you want:) It's your challenge. 

  • Don’t force others: This is YOUR journey. Don’t drag anyone along, as it might make it easier to quit if they do. I actually don't find an accountability partner helpful for this challenge...or any challenge for that matter. 

  • Change your password: You CAN give a trusted person your password. I usually end up doing this. It doesn't take long to realize I'm pretty weak. 

  • Do a program or workshop: The book that made my growth and healing accelerate the most is "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron. Don't let the name deceive you, it's for anyone that wants to do some introspection and awaken their creativity. Do the things in this book, and you'll be blown away by how much revelation you receive. You're supposed to read 1 chapter every week for 12 weeks. Perfect thing to do during your hiatus.  For this upcoming break, my husband and I are doing some online courses from Jennifer Finlayson-Fife! and probably diving into the work of Thomas McConkie.



Here's my list of entertaining things to do on your phone. Your compulsive phone use won't be solved overnight, so things like this help the transition and actually give you something in return for your time. 




FamilyTree (I love reading obituaries of close relatives)

Remodel Ai

Any journaling app

Wikipedia. No really. Here's a list of topics and people I've recently learned about there!

-Naked mole rats (freaking wild, man)

-Hilma Af klint

-Corrie Ten Boom

-Mahatma Gandhi

-Muhammad Ali

-Watergate Scandal

-The Fyre Festival

-Mother Theresa

-Coconuts (and any fruit for that matter)

-List of Common Misconceptions

-Marie Curie

-Florence Nightingale

-Anne Frank

-Frida Kahlo

-Joan of Arc 

Podcast Recommendations 

Faith Matters Podcast

Gold. Pure gold. If you’re a member of the church and consider yourself nuanced, you’ll love this. 

Here are some favorite episodes

Episode 112.

Episode 123.

Episode 145.

Episode 149. 

Episode 185.

Episode 192. 

Off The Grid 

I haven’t listened to this yet, but its for businesses that don't want to rely on Instagram. Right up my ally!

Room for Two Podcast

It’s $100 a year and has transformed my marriage. Way cheaper than therapy:)

Creative Pep Talk

Stuff You Should Know

The Artists Way Podcast Weekly Check In

Stuff About Things: An Art History Podcast


Anyway, make your own lists. Figure out how to make it your own journey. One of my followers made it her own by saying "I'm not going to get on social media until I read x amount of books." Some that did the six month break extended it to a year. Some never got back on. Whatever happens, I'd love to hear about it. Next year, I'll share experiences of those who send in what it was like for them. So, tell me the good and bad. Im curious.


This is part 3/3 of my blog posts about my 6 month social media breaks. If you haven't read the first two parts, here they are! 

1/3 Why: Why do I do a 6 month break from social media every year

2/3 What: What happened when I went off social media for 6 months




  • I appreciated that you didn’t promise to have all the answers or understand why all this happens. Great job, Carly. Thank you for sharing about something I feel like we all need a lot of help with and don’t know how to stop.

    Megan Brown on

  • Brilliant. Luv this.

    Russ Campbell on

  • You’re amazing. Loved reading through this series of blog articles. You are seriously inspiring. Thank you for sharing:)

    Mio on

  • I read the last word and this is my brain: “LETS FREAKING GOOOOOO!”
    I’m in.

    Brittany on

  • Wow, very clear and fascinating! Lots of great ideas to think about.

    Jon Forsyth on

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